domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

W-Tara Lighted Tibetans pray to White Tara especially for health, healing and longevity. She offers healing to our wounds, whether it is our bodies or our minds that have been hurt. 🎉🎈Para tener hermosos ojos, mira por el bien de los demás. Para tener hermosos labios, pronuncia solo palabras de bondad. Y para el equilibrio, camina con la certeza de que nunca estás sola. - Audrey Hepburn 🎈🎉 • • • • • #gorgeous #perfect #lovely #nice #abundance #loa #lawofattraction #manifest #prosperity #manifestation #gratitude #thesecret #affirmations #spirituality #wealth #positivethoughts #spiritualawakening #positivevibrations #consciousness #enlightenment #vibration #mindset #universe #awakening #energy #loveandlight #lightworker #powerful

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