miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Pyra Toroid: Since ancient times, "seers" have confirmed that the human aura appears as a series of nested spherical torus formations. Modern seers such as Barbara Ann Brennan (Hands of Light) have confirmed that each “chakra” is shaped like a two-ended trumpet, and this is a visualization of where each spherical torus or energy body has its axis. 🦋🐚 Más veces descubrimos nuestra sabiduría con nuestros disparates que con nuestra ilustración - Oscar Wilde 🐛🐌 • • • • • #chakra #healingcrystals #reiki #crystalhealing #healingstones #crystals #metaphysical #loveandlight #newage #chakras #crystal #thirdeye #spiritual #rockhound #wicca #chakrahealing #lightworker #psychic #tarot #meditation #healing #enlightenment #crystallove #quartz #aura #crystalgrid #spirituality #crystalenergy

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